
Poems, prose, interviews, reviews.


Poems, Fiction & Nonfiction

Man Without Fear — Guernica

Dear America — Terrain

Three poems —  Poetry at Sangam

I Am Neda — PBS Frontline

How Hard Is It To Write a Love Song — Terrain–A Journal of the Built, and Natural Environment

See Them Coming —  Split This Rock

The Prince — Guernica – A Magazine of Art and Politics

My Brother At the Canadian Border — ArteEast

Jerusalem, August 10, 2001 –Voices Compassionate Education

Prisoner in a Hole  — The Poetry Foundation

The Green of Iran  — The Rumpus

If I Make it to 80   —Moonday poetry  

Diminishing Silence –Connotation Press

Walking in the Wood  –Hill Tromper

I Never Seen Such Days As This  — The Poetry Foundation

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Essays & Reviews

Every Atom: Whitman and Attar —North American Review

Point of Entry: Writers on the Border

Attar, the Sufi Poet and Master of Rumi”    World Literature Today

“Can Literature Save the World? On Translating Attar’s The Conference of the Birds”  Words Without Borders

“The Salesman” Review of Asghar Farhadi’s Oscar winning movie — Guernica

“Unveiling of Self” — Prairie Schooner: Women and the Global Imagination

Translating Walt Whitman — Best American Poetry

Seven New Generation African Poets– Best American Poetry

Injuring Film or Opera With Bad Subtitles — Best American Poetry

Flowers: A Marriage of Poetry and Music in Iran — Best American Poetry

The Shift Circle — Best American Poetry

The Dwelling of the Damned– Best American Poetry

Simorgh, Thirty Birds: On Translating Farid ud-Din Attar — PEN America

Poetry Can’t Be Arrested  — Institute for Policy Studies

I Have Sinned  — Best American Poetry

Word to World  –Best American Poetry

The Transformative Power of Literature  –Best American Poetry

Review of The Good Daughter by Jazmin Darznik  – Los Angeles Review of Books

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Words Without Borders— Women Translating the Classics

Visiting Writers Series — Brookdale TV

Poetry LA — Interview Series

Words Without Borders — Translator’s Relay

Terrain Journal — In-depth Interview with Sholeh Wolpe

International Program at the University of Iowa –The Same Gate: A Poetic Exchange

Words With Writers — Marissa Bell Toffoli interviews Sholeh Wolpé

Association of Writers Programs  — Sholeh Wolpé in spotlight

Pulse Berlin —  Interview with Sholeh Wolpé  — Persis Karim interviews Sholeh Wolpé about Forugh Farrokhzad.